Let Higher Ground’s team of experts make your cable plant something you can count on.
With 60+ years of experience in design, installation, adds, moves, and changes; we know something about cabling.
It is one thing to document your own work as you do it, but it is something completely different to come in long after the fact and figure out someone elses work that is hidden in the walls, hidden above the ceiling, and buried in the ground.
Will that Cat5e cable plant support 1Gbps? Reliably? Will that 62.5um fiber support 10Gbps? Did the previous installer do a proper job? Is your cable plant ready to support your business needs? Did you just adopt a legacy installation and not sure what you have? You have questions – Higher Ground has answers. Our team of veterans date back to the birth of Ethernet, DECNet, Arcnet, and Token Ring. We are loaded to the teeth with test gear – Fluke 1800s, Fluke CableIQ, Fluke Intellitone, SM/MMF test sets and Corning VLFs 400X scopes. If you have a problem you can’t solve in-house, or a bigger problem than you care to handle give us a call. We can figure it out, and make specific cost-effective recommendations you can trust.
Do you really want to worry about your infrastructure? A proper cable installation should be first and foremost 100% reliable, but also easy to manage as your business grows and changes. LAN administrators know this is far easier said than done, right? Let Higher Ground’s team of experts make your cable plant something you can count on. With 60+ years of experience in design, installation, adds, moves, and changes; we know something about cabling.
Do you have a ton of cable above the ceiling you want removed but you don’t want to damage your live network? It's no problem, really. Call now to schedule a walkthrough.
A few recent projects completed by Higher Ground over the last twelve months:
• Tone/test/repair/re-label/document 80 legacy drops, pull/terminate new Cat6 WAP drops and Cat6A backbone drops for Glenforest School, West Columbia SC.
• Pull/terminate 50um fibers to connect data racks in district server room for Cherokee County Schools, SC
• Relocate 1642 PCs from PC labs to storage areas (in 4 days) in Richland School District 1, SC
• Pull/terminate 500 new Cat6 WAP drops, document legacy WAPs, mount new WAPs - Sumter County Schools, SC
• Pull/terminate 150 new Cat6 WAP drops, document legacy WAPs, mount new WAPs - Hampton School District 2, SC
• Pull/terminate 180 new Cat6 WAP drops, document legacy WAPs, mount new WAPs - Clarendon School District 1, SC
• Pull/terminate 300 new Cat6 WAP drops, document legacy WAPs, mount new WAPs - Cherokee County Schools, SC
• Mount/document 1000 new WAPs - Richland Schools District 1, SC
• Pull/terminate 30 new Cat6 drops, Mount 30 POE IP cameras – Lugoff Elgin High School, Elgin, SC
• Mount Directional WAPs to bridge stadiums and outbuildings for all Chester County Schools, SC
• Tone/test/label/document 90 legacy network drops, pull/terminate 40 new Cat6 network drops - Blair Cato Pickren Casterline, Attorneys, Columbia, SC
• Demolish legacy cable, pull/terminate 30 new network drops – QTC Management, West Columbia , SC
• Demolish 120 legacy network drops, pull 140 new Cat6 network drops, 50 WAP drops on plant floor - Intertape Polymer Group, Columbia, SC
• Pull/terminate 800 Cat6 drops and 50um fiber backbones for 4 floors of Bank of America Tower - AG First, Columbia, SC
• Terminate 160 Cat6 Network Drops – Ft Jackson, Columbia, SC
• Pull/dress 35 new Banana cables for Access Control – DHEC : Hayne Lab, Columbia, SC
• Pull/terminate 80 new Cat6 drops, pull/terminate 3 @ 50um fiber OSP, Mount 80 IP/POE Cameras - McCrady Army National Guard Training Center, Columbia, SC
• Demolish legacy cable, pull 120 new Cat6 network drops – Departmen of Motor Vehicles, Rock Hill, SC
• Pull/dress 30 new Banana cables for Access Control - Department of Motor Vehicles / Department of Public Safety, Blythewood, SC
• Demolish legacy cable, pull/terminate 300 Cat6 drops and SMF backbones for 2 floors at Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Our team of veteran date back to the birth of Ethernet, DECNet, Arcnet and Token Ring.
With 60+ years of experience in design, installation, adds, moves and changes we know something about cabling.
Higher Ground, LLC
(803) 513-5896